Plantain Waffles!

I had always been terrified of that horrible fruit (?) I had seen the recipes and though nah they can’t be as good as people say. Plantains are gross!

Recently though I ran into someone from my church who said she uses them all the time to make various things, like pizza crust, waffles and pancakes, they are fluffy and taste good.  So this week I decided to give it a try!

Original Recipe can be found here: with the Paleo Mom, she’s super awesome by the way!

Ingredients: 2 large green plantains, 4 eggs, 2 tsp vanilla, 1/8 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp baking soda and coconut oil for frying20150819_171121

I went off the rails immediately.  I couldn’t find GREEN plantains anywhere so I bought yellow ones, I mean how different can they be?  The answer to that I am going to imagine is A LOT!!!!
Mine smelled so sweet, and banana like, and I like bananas but not so much like this haha Since I was making mine in a waffle iron I added butter right to the batter hoping it would make it stick a little less? Okay so the 20150819_171934reasoning behind that really isn’t that solid, but it kinda worked!

In the end, they were okay.  I put maple syrup on them, and to be honest I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t really enjoy dipping my bananas in syrup and it didn’t taste very good on these waffles either! With butter melted on top I did eat 2 of them, and then I couldn’t eat anymore. I will likely make them again, they weren’t terrible by any means, but I wouldn’t say they were totally amazing and I want to eat them every day (like the coffee I posted before lol)

However, in an attempt to give the recipe the benefit of the doubt, 20150819_173257I am going on the hunt for some green plantains so I can give it a go the proper way.  Just like regular bananas I am going to assume here that the riper the plantain the
sweeter they get, and if I had of gotten the green ones they wouldn’t have been so sweet and banana-like.  Now if you LOVE bananas, then go ahead and use the yellow ones lol They were good, just not what I was expecting!

Hopefully I can get the recipe right next time!


PB and Chocolate cups

Peanut butter was on sale, so this recipe is because of that lol I like to keep the price down! OH and I used a coupon and got myself one of those mini cupcake   pans finally, this stuff is turning out really good so I will get some use out of it after all haha

Today’s recipe review from Pinterest comes from Life Made Whole, and you can find the recipe here:


For the PB mixture: 3/4 C all natural PB (hence waiting for a sale lol), 1/4 C coconut oil, and 2 tbsp honey

For the chocolate on top: 2 tbsp of coconut oil, butter, cocoa and honey

It’s 20150815_110454pretty warm here right now so I didn’t warm the coconut oil and the peanut butter like in the article, mine mixed together smoothly just in a bowl, it’s hitting 40C out there right now with the humidity and we haven’t turned the air on lol I mixed all the ingredients for the bottom peanut butter layer and put about a teaspoon of that mixture into the little mini cupcake pan holes. Then it went to the freezer while I mixed up the chocolate portion.

I did melt the coconut oil and butter together for the chocolate part, I used the microwave tho and put it in for 15 secs until it was just barely all melted, then I stirred in the cocoa and honey untilit was all smooth.  I did all this mixing in a measuring up so it would be easy to pour on top of the frozen peanut butter.20150815_111639

I pulled the pan out of the freezer and poured just enough chocolate mix on the top to cover the peanut butter, I ended up running out of chocolate and had to go back and make another half portion to finish covering the peanut butter spots.  Then back into the freezer they went!

I left them there for about an hour or so and then put them in to a container with a lid and then back into the freezer they will stay!

Definitely a ten on the taste scale for this one! The recipe worked out exactly like the original blog said it would! A must try for sure!20150815_123752

Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs

For today’s pinterest recipe attempt, I found strawberry cheesecake fat bombs. Sounds kinda yummy and scary all at the same time lol Either way I totally love cheesecake, so finding a way to have it that falls into the “diet” sounds like a great plan to me! I am sure you can make these with other types of fruit, but I have piles of frozen strawberries so I used those.

The recipe can be found here, on lowcarbsosimple:

I however didn’t really follow any of the instructions lol I thought about it but, I don’t own silicone muffin liner things or the mini cupcake pans, and I wasn’t about to go buy some just to try out this recipe.  I ended up just dumping mine all into a container and putting that in the freezer. DSCF4719 With any luck I’ll end up with some amazing ice cream type concoction!  I also started with doubling the recipe, it didn’t look like very much when I started.

Ingredients:  1/2 c strawberries ( I used frozen ones) 3/4 c cream cheese, 1/4 c butter, 2 tbsp honey (she uses stevia and I don’t like it) and 1 tbsp vanilla

I didn’t follow any of her instructions really, instead I dumped everything into my food processor and then let it mix it all until it was pretty much smooth and the strawberries were all ground up.

I had a spoonful before sticking the container in the freezer and wow! I can’t believe this stuff is approved lol I spent years under the impression that all really yummy things were bad for you! This stuff is amazing! So if you are including dairy in your diet AND you require some extra fat, this stuff is totally amazing and will get rid of a sweet tooth in a hurry!

Now DSCF4720hopefully when I get it out of the freezer it will be of an ice cream texture and I can just have some with a spoon!


Bullet Proof Coffee?!?!?

I have been hearing about bullet proof coffee for a while now, and frankly the idea of dropping butter in my coffee terrified me! I just flat out wasn’t brave enough to experiment with something as important as my morning coffee lol  I had resigned myself to just not trying it.  I was so misinformed!!!

Last night I stumbled upon a recipe on pinterest for bullet proof coffee that had an amazing looking cup of coffee as the photo, and it immediately made me curious. I checked it out and the recipe is 1 TBSP of coconut oil, 1 TBSP of butter, 2 TBSP cream and 1 TSP vanilla.  That is not just dumping butter into your morning coffee!!! That actually sounded sort of good even!20150811_080856

This morning I woke up ready to give this a go.  I got all my ingredients into my cup, poured the coffee.  The recipe says to blend it in the blender, but since I got an immersion blender last year for Christmas I thought I’d use that, I don’t usually have much of an occasion to use that blender lol  Surprisingly I only made a marginal mess of the counter haha I had visions of cleaning up coffee from the far corners of the kitchen at 8am lol20150811_081102

The results are completely fantastic! I can’t believe I ever didn’t want to do this! It’s frothy and totally worthy of those store bought creamers that I put in my coffee a long time ago! I will for sure be making this again!


Oh man where to start!

Well I’m going to give WordPress a go this time, I have been writing for a Gaming Mom website ( and they have a FB page you can check out!) and have really gotten used to this platform, so I am going to move stuff here and see if maybe, just maybe I can keep up some sort of blog this time haha

It’s been a while now since I’ve written anything and that’s because life just somehow got insane!

We decided this year to homeschool the girls. Yes you read that right lol I am the LAST person on the planet I ever thought would take up that banner! I was the first one hatin on the weekends and summer vacation haha I would have preferred that school go year round in fact!  Then it happened, I got called to keep them home, and for those who know what it’s like to be called to do something, you just can’t say no.  You can try, you can put it off or make excuses but when it is put on you to do something the end result, usually, is you doing it lol  So here we are!

It’s been fun, and interesting, and we’re all learning new things. Some days I think they are ganging up on me in an attempt at a hostile take over, but most days are just plain awesome!  There are sides to my kids I’ve never been able to fully enjoy until they were here all day, there are places I never knew they struggled until they were home all day.  These little people really are fabulous, ingenious, creative, funny, loud, and they have us in hysterics frequently!

Tclassroom-deskshis year was such an unexpected experience that our curriculum, although thorough, is more of a patchwork dump than anything else.  They certainly learned a great deal, I can see their progress quite a bit, even more so in the social realm.  The girls are closer than they have ever been.  I would however like for next year to be a little more organized in the actual doing of school work.  I am going to grab the Apologia Ultimate Homeschool Planner I think for next year, and there is a homeschool conference coming up in Peterborough at the end of this month.  I can’t wait to head up there with my partner in crime Melissa and check out all the stuff! They will have a few lectures, but it’s the vendor hall I’m really going to see, I want to pick the stuff up and look at it, flip through the pages, get myself going on making things feel more real next year!

Now I suppose I should head off and start making some dinner and ensure that everyone is getting along lol Already I can feel words showing up that would keep me here for half of forever, so I had better break it up to keep things going! Otherwise I’ll be out of stuff to say in just one post!